Spending money to develop a good website is something usual in web design, but is the money spent worthy the final product from a web developer? Wymore IT Solutions creates you this article that can help you measure the worthiness. Lets get to the checklist;
Feel and Look
The first thing you wanna check is the look of the website, is it communicating to your clients your kind of business? Is it appealing to the eye? If so is the use of colors, icons, images and text flow in harmony with your brand fonts and colors? Those are some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you say OKAY.
Mobile Friendly
This is another core feature that should be in your mind. Try your website on different devices, Is it Responsive? By that I mean does it scale down to fit nicely on small devices. One thing you should note is that if your website is not mobile friendly it will really affect badly your SEO, Google ranks website depending on how responsive your website is on other devices. At a small fee we can be able to fix responsiveness on your website.
Fast Load Speed
This is another key feature when it comes to ranking. Slow websites tend to send away customers, after all why should I spend much time waiting for your website to load whereas there is a fast loading website from your competitor B in the search engines. There are various online tools that you can use to measure the speed of your website including google page speed.
Threats from hackers is what we have come to be used to in this current digital world. How secure or vulnerable your website is to attacks? If you start seeing your website displaying rogue ads, redirecting to different websites then that’s a good sign of a malware attack. Wymore is very good at measuring your security and even improving it to a level that is so hard for hackers to do their brute force staffs.
Browser Compatibility
This is another thing that even huge companies usually ignore, you should not assume that the only browsers in the world are only chrome and Firefox. Try to check your website on different browsers.
Quality Content
A lot of people don’t know how much duplicated content maybe boring to clients no matter how beautiful your website design could be. From your content how easy it is for a client to find a service that he/she is looking for. Avoid duplicated content this will equally affect your ranking against your competitors.
There are many other considerations that you should take note before puling your website live to the public and even the search engine bots. The above checklist is not enough, I would recommend you get your website done by a professional company or freelancer. By any chance you’re finding it difficulty to find one then Wymore IT Solutions is here for you, we will give you free consultation on what you need to start your online presence in style, not only just how to put your business online but also how to beat your fellow online competitors who got into the market before you.